Metropolitan Tabernacle
Children’s Holiday
Mon 26th to Fri 30th August 2024
Hebron Hall, Wales
We are looking forward to seeing all the children who have signed-up to come on the Children’s Holiday!
As well as an action-packed week full of fun outings, games and memorable moments, we also hope that the week will be an opportunity for:
Spiritual progress and blessing through daily devotions and talks
New and stronger friendship ties with other church children
Appreciation for the wider church family and the Lord’s goodness to us all
It is our prayer that over the course of the week the children will desire the Lord and His ways, preferring that above all else.

Hebron Hall
Hebron Hall is a Christian centre located near the coast in South Wales. The accommodation is of a high standard – with en suite facilities in most rooms (3-6 beds). The hall has extensive facilities, including a 20m indoor swimming pool, a sports hall, tennis courts, an indoor games room for table tennis, snooker etc. lounges, meeting hall, and dining room.

Travel Arrangements
The journey from London to Hebron Hall is approximately 3hr 30min by minibus.
London to Wales
Date: Monday 26th August
Location: Surrey Gardens, SE17 3DU
Meet at: 9.00am Departure: 9.45am
Parents can park in the Morrison’s car park off the Walworth Road, SE17 2DL (parking fee may apply).
Wales to London
Date: Friday 30th August
Return to Surrey Gardens at: 4pm
All minibuses will have helpers onboard supervising.
Packed lunch for the journey!
Please provide you child with a packed lunch for the journey to Wales (lunch will be provided for the journey home).
We will stop for toilet breaks and lunch along the way.
How will the days be spent?
We plan to have fun from dawn to dusk, so here is an example of how a day on the holiday might look:
07:00 Wake up
08:00 Breakfast
08:40 Morning devotions and announcements
09:00 Tuckshop
10:00 Swimming at Hebron Hall
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Outing e.g. high-ropes
16:00 Team competitions back at base
17:45 Dinner
19:00 Evening devotions
19:45 Team games in the sports hall
21:00 Story, biscuits and hot chocolate
21:30 Brush teeth and lights out
Those in Years 5-7 will have a later bedtime.
Looking after your child
We know that a week away can be very exciting, but also a bit of a worry. The safety and happiness of every child is our top priority.
Please take the time to read our safeguarding and wellbeing policy, which covers topics including privacy and personal care, sleeping arrangements and behaviour management.
Don’t forget to complete the ‘Your Child’s Details’ form.
Payment to be made to this account
You can scan the QR code with your phone’s camera,